Monday, January 29

Crazy Idea
Okay....I need someone to talk to. I'm in Philly today and I can tell I'm out of control. Here's what's going on.....

If you read my posting from yesterday, you'll see that I was missing Phoenix and Oreganos. I really want a pizza cookie! So, you know me....I never take a trip without booking one for the next weekend. In 2005, two weeks after coming back from Australia, I was on a flight for Disney World. In 2006, the week after coming back from Canada, I was on a flight for Cleveland. Here we go again, I've been researching flights to Phoenix for this weekend. It's actually cheaper than a lot of weekends later in February or March. I'm anxious to "pull the trigger" and book the flight. I was also researching rental cars. It would cost me more money to rent a Hummer in Phoenix for the day on Saturday than it did in New Mexico. The rate was $99/day plus taxes!!! So, maybe I'll rent a mid-size if I go. My plan is to fly out in the morning and land in the early afternoon on Saturday. I'd then hop on the red-eye home Saturday night. No hotel required.

Anyway....if I go, I want to visit my most favorite scrapbook store in the whole wide world - Scrapbook Barn. I was sad to see that they don't have any classes on Saturday night. So, I started searching for other scrapbook stores in Phoenix. That's when I found it....the thing I need to talk to someone about....there's a scrapbook store for sale in Phoenix. I want to buy it. I love Phoenix. What do you think? I know, crazy huh? If I fly out on Saturday, I could check it out. It's for sale for $160,000. Is that a lot? It's an established business that was started in 2002. Therefore, they already have merchandise and a customer base. Their annual gross revenue is over $200k. The woman is selling it because she has two small kids and wants to spend more time at home with them. Help!!!


Anonymous said...

Please refer to my email. Julie B.

Claire Lawrence said...

