Monday, April 2

The Consultant has Landed.... the self-proclaimed Lake Trout Capital of the World!!! Apparently, that is Geneva's claim to fame. It looks like it's probably a beautiful area when it's not so overcast. It's supposed to rain today and tomorrow and it's supposed to SNOW on Thursday! What if I can't get home!?!?!? The lead IT guy was telling me that it's supposed to be colder here on Easter than it was on Christmas?!?! Isn't that crazy???

My flight was relatively uneventful. The flight crew was late. The plan was missing a GPU - what the heck was that?!?!?! It was tiny, tiny, tiny and loud, loud, loud. It's gonna be a long few months.

So, I arrived on-site around 10am. The women in the IT department were literally bowing down to me!!! I'm not kidding - they were making bowing motions. They think I'm a guru, an expert. AAAGGGHHH!!! Talk about scared! How long do you think I can hide the truth???

Gotta work...gotta become that guru....I'll write more later.

....I'm's been an interesting day. I'm not impressed. And, it's going to be a LONG 6 months or 8 months or whatever the heck duration we're looking at. The project manager has already left for the day so I have NO IDEA what to expect. At my introduction meeting today they were looking to me for far too many answers (as I expected). I think I fielded them well and we're off on the right foot. Now, let's hope I can keep them in love with me. My last client was already asking to whom she could "sing my praises". She better sing them fast before that silly database breaks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you arrived OK yesterday and everything seems to be going well. I was thinking about you all day yesterday, hoping things were going well for you. Maybe we can catch up over the weekend? Keep earning the big bucks- by the way, ever hear back from your contractor friend?