Tuesday, May 29

Bats and Ice Cream
That pretty much sums up my lunch break. By bats I mean, the black, winged, flying type that attack you and turn you into a vampire. Yup.

Let me back up a moment. I work in this building. My office is on the second floor, on the left side of the building, kind of hidden by that tree. To get to my office, you walk up an old, large, wooden staircase which is almost two stories tall. At the top of the stairs is the President's office. After climbing the stairs (and catching my breath), I have to walk across the back of an old auditorium and then past a couple of offices. The auditorium is pretty eerie. It's dark and cold and "Phantom of the Opera"-like. Just outside my office is an old fireplace. So, now I've set the scene. Anyway, I did the normal walk through the auditorium, hoping the overhead lights wouldn't fall on my head, and out into the area outside the President's office. Just as I stepped foot on the stairs, I was buzzed by a bat. Of course I screamed. The bat was somewhere below me. I was about half way down the stairs (where it makes a turn of 180 degrees) and a woman appeared at the top of the stairs - I'm sure she thought I was nuts. She works in the Provost's office. As I started to explain, the bat buzzed me again. She took off screaming and I ran down the stairs and out the front door of the building, shaking.

I took a nice, long lunch break. I drove to Canadaigua - still not sure if I'm spelling that right - and had French Onion soup at Panera bread. On the way back, I stopped by Mr Twisties for an ice cream cone. It was as I entered the door of the building that I remembered the bat. I slowly entered the building and scanned the hallway. No bat. I slowly and quietly ascended the stairs. No bat. I did, however, notice that EVERYONE had their doors closed, including the one going to the theater. I could see through the window that the door on the opposite side of the theater was closed. I thought, "Oh crap, they've locked that beast in the theater and I have to walk through to get back to the office." I quickly ran across the theater. No bat. Everyone's office doors were closed on the other side. My wonderful clients failed to close mine. I was scared the bat was hiding in the large fireplace outside my office. I quickly entered and closed the door. No bat.

Unfortunately, now, I have to pee. I have two options to relieve myself in this building. I can climb up to the third floor - however access to the third floor is through a staircase at the back of the theater. Or, can descend the scary, old, wooden steps where I was buzzed then continue down to the basement. Regardless, I have to leave the safety of my office and enter the theater. Help!!!!!

Okay - they've locked the thing in the theater as I had feared. Apparently this is a common occurance. The worst month is August. I'm bringing my mosquito net from Australia to wear when I enter and leave the building.

National Paper Clip Day
I've just learned that today is National Paper Clip day. Go out and celebrate! You may be wondering what's gotten into me that I'm blogging so much today. Well, my needs aren't being met. What needs you may ask? Well, if you've ever studied management and people, you've probably learned about Maslow and his Hierarchy of Needs. Today, I'm at the bottom of the pyramid. My safety needs are not being met because of the silly bat. If you're wondering, I did wander out and used the bathroom. No sign of the bat.

BearingPoint Employee in Iraq
We've just been informed that a BearingPoint employee was taken from one of our worksites in Iraq this morning. We've been given no more information at this time. Please keep the employee and their family in your thoughts and prayers. We have many employees in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Several years ago one of our employees was killed in Iraq. I'm praying for a happier ending this time around.

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