Thursday, August 9

Leap of Faith or Act of Stupidity?
I can finally write this post. Why? Because I've finally told my parents that I was one of the three people who quit on Monday. So, my question is - was it a leap of faith or an act of stupdity? Why do I ask the question? Well, I don't have another job lined up....yet. The consensus seems to think it was a leap of faith - but I think they're just being kind. Deep down all of my friends and family are thinking...."Are you NUTS?"

I can't take it any longer. I want a complete career change. So, I've applied for EVERYTHING that doesn't require some sort of specialized degree/training (RN, Teacher, Hair Stylist, etc) or require me to drive a forklift. I'm focusing on a 15 mile radius around my house. So the options are bank teller, bank manager, administrative assistant, office manager, and customer call center representative. I'm pleased to report that one of the jobs has called me. I'm sure most of them take one look at my resume and toss it in the trash because they assume I've made a mistake in applying. They's a girl that implements multi-million dollar software around the world and now she wants to be an administrative assistant? It just doesn't add up. I'm also thinking about going back to school, but that would cost money. It's a toss-up between culinary arts and glass art. How fun would they be???

In case you're wondering, yes, I'm having a mid-life crisis. And, since I'm only 31, I guess that means I'll die young. So please pray for me. My original last day was supposed to be next Friday the 17th, but they convinced me to stay until the 22nd. They think I'm doing them a favor, but in reality I could use the extra three days of pay and expense reimbursement! Everyone at work is very envious. They think I've taken a job as a project manager with a big pay increase. Boy, are they wrong!!! They have NOTHING to be envious about - except for maybe the amount of free time I'm about to have on my hands. Who wants to stamp???


Anonymous said...

Kristin, we all love you! We want you to be happy. If, in order to be happy you have to make a life change, then you have my blessing. I understand the need for change all too well. It will be a big adjustment for you, but I think if it makes you happy, it will be worth it. Plus, I would love to have you around home more often! And yes, I want to stamp!

Claire Lawrence said...

you are a very clever writer, you know that??

I give my blessings as well! I know the feeling of wanting to have a complete career change very well...

I pray you feel lead by God through this and not stupid! I pray things fall into place soon.

Anonymous said...

Kristin - I absolutely agree with Julie! The thing is too short to go around being miserable and unhappy. And I'm sure you won't have a problem finding another job. Definitely keep us posted! Wish I was around to stamp!