Friday, August 24

They're Still Calling...
It's amazing how many consulting firms exist out there! And more amazing how many of them want me. And even more amazing that their recruiting departments don't talk to each other!!! I just got a second call from a large accounting firm this week. The first called me while I was shopping at the IGA. She seemed to think NYC would be local. I explained it wasn't. But, it gave me an opportunity to learn more about a rumor I had heard....

So, let me share with you a story....
Many, many years ago there was a very well-known and respected accounting firm called Arthur Andersen. They realized that there was a consulting need and Andersen Consulting was born. Well, the parent company of Arthur Andersen thought that Andersen Consulting was ignoring the middle-market companies and decided to start a SECOND consulting arm - Arthur Andersen Business Consulting. Well, obviously this pissed off Andersen Consulting because they thought they were stealing away clients and there was a big fight. In the end, Andersen Consulting split from Arthur Andersen and became the large firm we all know today as Accenture. You may also know that I was hired by Arthur Andersen Business Consulting - who, by the way, changed their name to Andersen Consulting after the legal dust settled!!! Did you follow any of that? Well, then Enron happened and Arthur Andersen was dismembered. I was sold to KPMG Consulting. They had a similar background (without the big fight). They were the spin-off consulting firm of KPMG LLP. Well, a few years back the industry trend (because of government rules) was for consulting firms to distance themselves from the accounting firms. KPMG Consulting became BearingPoint. PwC sold it's consulting arm to IBM. You get the drift... Anyway, back to my rumor. It's like de ja vu all over again. I'd heard that KPMG LLP (the form parent company of BearingPoint - my now former employer) had started consulting again. I scratched my head when I heard this. Did they learn anything five years ago? Well, guess who called on Wednesday - KPMG LLP. So, she explained that their consultants only perform advisory roles on projects and don't actually do the implementation. (what?) Therefore they aren't breaking any rules. (whatever) Anyway, I quickly dismissed the opportunity because it was in NYC. Well, this morning KPMG LLP called me AGAIN! This time it was their Philly office. I explained that I'd just turned them down on Wednesday. The recruiter who called me explained that this position would only require 50% travel. (I'll believe that when I see it.) She certainly didn't flinch when I read off my salary requirements - and not the $12 or $13/hour jobs I've been looking at. My requirements were definitely higher than my former salary. So, I'm skeptical, but pursuing it. She knows where I stand on travel. I'm anxious to hear more. She didn't have many details. So, we'll see.

What's even more funny? KPMG LLP is the company that moved into Arthur Andersen's Philadelphia offices after the disintegrated back in 2002. So, if I do get hired, I will be working in the SAME office I was working 7 years ago! It's a beautiful office - newly remodeled in 2002. AND, what's funnier - when I tried to get into Andersen - it was the NYC office that called me first, but I was hired into Philly - just like I'd be doing here.


Claire Lawrence said...
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Claire Lawrence said...

wow! cool! if you work in philly we can meet for lunch - as long as she's telling the truth about nice to be pursued job wise. I banged my head against the wall so much job searching, that I'm surprised I didn't break it. (my head:0)

Alison Shiloh Wear said...

sounds like some progress, Kristin! glad to hear that there are some possibilities out there for you!