Tuesday, August 28

What's Wrong With This Picture?
Those were the words of my mother this morning as I explained to her the most recent developments in my job search process. So, KPMG called me again yesterday but the guy never returned my call. In the meantime, one of the casinos in Atlantic City reached out to me either last night or this morning about a job I applied to last week. Remember casino day? Anyway, I'm totally qualified for it, but I didn't want a big job right away. But, I have an interview over lunch with the Director of IT on Friday in AC. Next, I tried calling back KPMG guy. He practically begged me to come in for an interview. So, he's setting up something for next week. Great!

So, why is it that people are beating down my door for these positions, but I can hardly get anyone to call me back about being an administrative assistant? What's wrong with this picture? I've alread heard from one recruiter this morning which I turned down because the project was in Jersey City. I also told a recruiter that contacted me yesterday that I was interested in a position at a Philadelphia hospital because I hated to pass it up without hearing about it. But, I don't want the big job yet. I want to be an administrative assistant or something for awhile. Argh.

FYI - the KPMG job would definitely require travel. My first project would be in Central Jersey - north of Princeton. Not very appealing.

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