Wednesday, March 21

Me, a Winemaker
I didn't know what I would write about today until I stumbled across an article on CNN this morning. It was about the World's Coolest 11 New Products. The first product was a mini winery for your kitchen. I want one!!! They're super cool. I'm on the waiting list. Who knows if I'll "pull the trigger" and order one when my name comes up, but I'm on the list! Maybe if I save some of my per diem money, I can afford the thing. Anyone know where I can buy 15 gallons of grapes?!!??

Okay, I'll stop procrastinating and go back to work now.


Anonymous said...

You really should work on that attention deficit problem you have! :)

Michael said...

Umm... Did you notice that it is $3,500? Now, I'd love to make my own bottle of wine just as much as the next guy, but that's a bit pricey! I did notice, though, that they sell winemaking supplies (including grapes) on the same website, just in case you're really considering it.