Wednesday, June 11

Happy Anniversary to Us and Pei Wei
Yesterday Mike and I celebrated the 1st anniversary of our first date. Wow, I'm a lucky girl! He came over last night with a dozen red roses and made me chicken parm for dinner! YUM. We enjoyed a bottle of some of our favorite Virginia wine and finished off with cheesecake. How can you go wrong with that?!?! Then he gave me a digital photo frame so that I can enjoy all of my favorite digital photos. As he was cooking dinner, I had fun loading some of them. You'll have to come over and see them!

Then I have to share with you my newest discovery - Pei Wei. My lunch buddy, Dawn, suggested we try it out (I think she's tired of Chipotle). What is Pei Wei? Well, if you clicked the link you know. But, Pei Wei is an Asian Diner. It's operated by the same company that operates PF Changs!!! The food is FABULOUS. I had Pad Thai for lunch. It's very casual, semi-fast food. You walk in, order at the counter, and a few minutes later your meal is delivered to your table. I cannot wait to go back. There's one at the Garden State Park shopping center in Cherry Hill. Another is opening at the Moorestown Mall.


Claire Lawrence said...

I think there is one of these right next to the Chipotle on City Ave.! But I'd pick Chipotle over it if I were in front of the two - mostly because we are spoiled with scads of good Asian restaurants in the city...


Melissa said...

I am a PF Changs fan and was a little disappointed with Pei Wei... but hopefully they are better now than when I tried them while working in OK. Sadly we don't have either in Lancaster!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU BOTH! Glad you had a good time! We'll have to hit Pei Wei sometime at lunch!