Saturday, January 1

Happy New Year!!!
Last Thursday I was at Claire's house for her New Years Party for the Stampin' Up! demonstrators in her group. We were sharing goals for 2011 or holiday stories. I shared that I'm going to give stamping full-time a shot this year! Most of you know this already. Many of you like to kindly remind me that this was the plan. About 28 months ago, I took a leap of faith, quit my job, and signed a contract to be an independent consultant for a former employer. The goal was to pay off some bills, build up my stamping business, and then stamp full time whenever they stopped wanting me. Well, that original 6-month contract has been extended several times. And, here I sit, 28 months later with 11 working days left of my contract. It's exciting and scary all at the same time!

So, for 2011, I need to learn how to be frugal. No more big, fat paychecks. If you know me, you know that I'm anything but frugal. Mike just shakes his head in disbelief when we go grocery shopping together. I've always joked that I have this amazing talent to purchase a cart-load of groceries....none of which were on sale. I don't know what a gallon of milk costs. I don't know what eggs cost. Admittedly, I have no clue! Is a $3 per bottle of shampoo a good price? It's going to be an interesting year. The other demonstrators at Claire's thought it would make for an interesting reality TV show - Kristin Goes Frugal. Well, I don't have a TV show, but I do have a blog! So, I thought I'd share with you (if any of you remember this blog still exists) my experiences in going frugal!

I sat amazed a few nights ago as I watched Extreme Couponing on TLC. WOW! I watched several crazy people save hundreds and even thousands of dollars on shopping trips! I immediately hopped online the next day, searched out some coupons, anxiously awaited the sale circulars this week, and am now looking forward to buying the Sunday paper for more coupons tomorrow. I have my shopping list's filled with stuff I probably wouldn't normally buy. I'm buying a bunch of stuff so I can get a $5 coupon. I guess I'll eventually need the stuff. Yesterday I bought $30 in batteries because I'll get a 100% refund next month. That's a good deal, right?!?!? So, there it is. I'm going grocery shopping on Monday. I'll post how I make out!


Judy Lucas said...

Kristin, I watched that show too about the coupons. I couldn't believe the savings they achieved. I have used coupons for years, but never to that extent. Let us know how you make out and inspire us to do better!! Happy New Year! Judy

Kerin said...

Looking forward to reading your adventures in frugality Kristin!!! Good luck :)

Claire Lawrence said...

Hi there, Kristin. You know how me and my house live. We actually rarely use coupons. I heard once on some news show they aren't about saving you money, usually they are about making you buy things. I guess you may or may not need the things, but chances are you mostly won't
:0) just my two cents. That's enough unsolicited tips for now:0) You know where to go if you need any more frugality advice for 2011:0) good luck! looking forward to reading about your frugality journey!

Melissa said...

I must admit that like Claire, i rarely use coupons, but i do have a pretty tight grocery budget (cash only, too). Also, i have a list like your mom does - by store aisle for my shop rite. I have it on the computer so i just print them and then highlight the items i need that trip. Makes it go so much faster! Lately i've been trying to have a meatless supper every now and then...beans & rice, soup & grilled cheese, etc. Also i stock up when something is on sale, but only if it's something i usually buy. I freeze a lot of stuff. And i stick pretty well to my list. So there ya go. Unsolicited tips from melissa.