Tuesday, October 13

I'm Back
After reading over some of my old posts, I miss this blog! I miss reading about my crazy life experiences. So, let me pick up as if nothing ever changed!

I went to the post office today. Let me tell you....mailing cards to everyone who attended a stamping event may kill me - or make me go bankrupt! Anywho...while standing in line at the post office to buy the 100 stamps for this month's cards, I was checking out new apps for my iPhone. Oh wait...correction, I was reading the NY Times or something. ANYWAY, I read about this new app that can start your car! It's like those remote starter things but it's through your phone. How cool is that? I quickly flipped over to the app store, located the Viper SmartStart, saw it was free, and downloaded it. (Yes, all while waiting in line at the post office.) It mentioned something about a $29.95 annual fee. That didn't seem too bad. Heck, the starter things you get installed in your car cost a few hundred. That would still be a savings over the life of the car. I couldn't wait to get back to the office to check it out while I munched on my string cheese. I Googled. All I got were hits for BestBuy. I thought to myself....Why the heck would I need to go to BestBuy? I already installed the app on my phone. WELL, they neglected to inform you in the article that you get the free app, you pay the $29.95 service fee per year, AND you pay $500 for the equipment for your car. NO THANK YOU! I deleted the app.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back

Anonymous said...

I guess you didn't miss it that much.