Tuesday, August 21

Murders in G-Town
Holy cow! I'm glad I'm getting out of this place. Apparently G-Town, as we lovingly call Geneva, is a hotbed of gang activity! I was just talking with the Associate Director of HR here at the colleges when she made a comment about the recent murders. Murders!??!?! Where have I been? Apparently a few weeks back someone was "gunned down" about three blocks from my hotel!!! Then, just this past weekend, a witness to that shooting was murdered outside of a bar which is located on the same street as my hotel!!! Boy, I'm glad I'm getting out of here! I thought it was such a nice, quiet town - you saw the photos last week. Now a whole other image is being painted in my head. Wowsers.

1 comment:

Claire Lawrence said...

oh my goodness! oh my goodness!